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control line airplane

Control Line Airplane - Even in the worst times of my life, I have struggled to maintain a model home office. This site was created to help me remember my journey into a lifetime of aviation, which began in Mayo, MD...

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Control Line Airplane

Control Line Airplane

Half-A (aka 1/2A, 1/2-A, and A/2) lines have been a staple of recreational aviation for at least 3/4 of a century. Because of its low cost and efficient engine, air, and fuel consumption, the 1/2-A is the entry point for thousands of children and adults - the 'accessory' of sorts because most of the work in that , including me, "adds" and moves to great things (but not necessarily better) over the years and years . The famous Cox (LM Cox Manufacturing) does not make ready-to-fly plastic models, but some of the .049 engine parts and some complete engines can be bought on eBay and from the Canadian company, Cox International. , who bought the remaining Cox stock a few years ago. They sell vintage wine bottles in original packaging. However, this article is from 1951

Control Line: Aerobatics

Revised instructions to fly and improve the best form for novice fliers. Tell us about other topics you'd like us to cover.

Although the Half-A brands are the most popular, especially among beginners in design, they are not without flaws. And the engine displacement has been reduced to half the size we used in the past (the Half-A engine is one half only twelve displacements of a class D engine .60!) There is a reduction in power. Small and light boats are the love of the wind and larger ones have the "hard" feeling that we associate with big and powerful boats. An inexperienced modeler with a new Half-A boat would be wise to wait for the cold weather. Follow the air diagram carefully for proper operation.

Jim Walker's "U-Control" and Stanzel's new "Mono-Line" are the control systems in use today. U-Control, despite its simplicity, is foolproof; It is controlled by two tether lines, the movement of which is in the fixed bell, then in the elevator. The lines must be kept straight, however, using techniques such as engine intake lines, outer edges, outer wing weights, etc. on the wing, and the rear end of the wing stripes begin to diverge. combining to maintain a linear pattern. Many of these important "tools" can be used, resulting in unwanted or unwanted flight patterns. An untested model with at least two of these wrinkles must be included for a safety test flight; Reduce them as much as the best flight shows you can get.

The medium type can be spun with light cast line or heavy commercial cotton thread. Only simple wire lines to use. A heavy rope can be used to cover the hand, and the iron line requires the use of an iron to prevent it from loosening or fraying. without twisting.

Carl Goldberg Models, Inc., Est. 1955

Flying Mono-Line offers two great advantages: long lines can be used up to a radius of 100 ft - and full power if the line needs to be pulled. When short lines are used, .016" dia. steel wire is used, and when the length reaches 100 ft., the diameter is increased to .018". The small or large size of the cable depends on the power; Do not use braided cords or braided cords.

The most effective adjustment is the U-Control nose shape, near the leading edge of the wing. Mono-Line vessels should set at least 25% of the cable from the main channel. The choice of wood, type and amount of paint, wheels, propellers, etc. Improper balance of the finished model can often be corrected using weights. The model of Yuriy Yatsenko, called "Classic". It is famous because it was created as an attempt to build a model that combines the classic design model and the traditional quality of the power brand, and it was obtained by studying the quality Example of work and time model sports, also from access to documents and communication. The first version is a horizontal engine position, then it is changed to a symmetrical position, because it is necessary for another symmetric engine operation. An attempt was made to install the engine at a position of 30 deg. spiral downwards from the surface. The short history of how the model works can be interesting for construction because we know (those who don't know, believe us), cannot calculate the model, the way just combining information from different sources. buildings, and the step to continue "between the gold", and the model that can fly, as you think, to fly in your dreams. In this way, the main thing is not to go wrong or far. I know many smart people who spend time and effort on smart tests. But it's far from the "golden mean" and it's just a waste of time, and it's a long time since then that these people have not allowed to finish the research work and reach good results. Be careful with time.

The first major model of the architect was built in 1974 from the drawing of the winner of the Soviet Union Evgeniy Petrov. An example of the best concept, this model has a unique flight control and many new facilities, such as a ball cover for the main landing stage (designed and first used by Petrov). The drawing of this model was made on the basis of the drawing of the model of Evgenoy Kondratenko (a 3rg in tha WCh 1961), more precisely, the drawing of his students, the master of the gallery and famous musicians Viktor Kramskih.

Control Line Airplane

(I'm adding all the pictures that are named styles). I'm lucky. The first major model had good flying power. Early success is crucial to feeling like you're on the right track.

Control Line Flying!!

Another type 3 is an experimental variation of famous Soviet pilots, Anatoliy Kolesnikov and Alexander Listopad.

Famous American Stiletto, Excitation, Genesis, Eclipse have given inf. for the first test purpose, as shown in the picture. It is the basis of knowledge for creating any model.

From my first model, where airfoils were obtained from catalogs of airfoils, I came to the understanding that catalog airfoils are not suitable for aerobatic models. It is very sensitive to turbulent air and has a great potential for turning the model (like letting go of speed when turning hard).

The successful atmosphere was discovered through a conversation with Anatoliy Kolesnikov. To the question, what happened to the last wing airfoil with a small radius leading to the tip (KA-8 model), the answer is, the first model with a large radius corner, or the 1 lap version flying before landing. . not sharp enough in the air. With better management. He also said that the same line where the engine-wing-stabilizer works is the result of a symmetric model line. But it is a real result, and in this model it is not necessary to exercise much for a good reason, as in its old model, it is not the same sign. Seeing the solid flight of Anatoliys model, I tried to make something new. Since I know the airfoil design from the information on this, I made an airfoil that seems to be successful. The models fly vertically in the wind and turn easily, and the stability is good then. The front windshield is 56 mm thick, which has been changed to 64 mm thick, which is more stable for bad weather.

Control Line Airplane

One line of character. I started to build one line of models. But I'm sure it's the right way, when I fly with the famous model Luciano Compostella and 4-stroke "Webra". As a tradition, the Luchiano model has a low and stable wing position, this model is the European champion. I love it, how the top model flies.

I liked the stability of the model plane, and the plane was turned after the conversion, the model was very stable. The corners are sharp, and I always admire old school drivers, like Luciano. There's just one thing about the airplane model, it just doesn't work for me. I understand, I can fix the model after entering the standard square. The model is always trying to make a wave when it turns. All my efforts to get accurate numbers have been unsuccessful. I have a lot of respect for Luciano, who is the European champion in this model, he is the best driver. It takes a lot of practice to achieve this result.

But I am

Control Line Airplane

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